Second Pregnancy
Abby’s second pregnancy came after a long wait, and many disappointing negative tests. Until finally one day that test said positive! Feeling her second son do full rolls and stretches in her belly throughout her pregnancy as he grew was amazing. This time around, though, her pregnancy was much tougher than with her first. Morning sickness, backaches, and fatigue had her so ready at the end to be done and meet her sweet boy!

Scheduled Induction
When Abby hit 40 weeks, she was scheduled to be induced. She nervously knew things would be different than with her first birth. On May 25th,1 day after her due date, her induction began. Active labor kicked into high gear after a slow start, and Abby powered through her contractions like a rock star! Eventually she requested an epidural that unfortunately ended up only numbing half her body. Still, her labor only lasted 5 1/2 hours from start to finish. Meeting her new baby son was like a flash back to her first birth – her boys looked so alike!

A Relaxing Hospital Stay
Really feeling the exhaustion from laboring, Abby spent her hospital stay resting skin to skin with Randel, her perfect 6lb 10oz baby boy. He tried to latch right away, proving to be a hungry little guy just like his older brother. Breastfeeding came easily to both mama and baby this time around, which was a relief. Abby enjoyed a relaxing and positive hospital stay, focusing on bonding with baby, and resting.

Why Birth Photography For Your Second Pregnancy?
I asked Abby to tell me about why she chose to have her birth documented for the second time. She replied;
“I chose to have my birth photographed because those are memories that go by so fast, and your baby will never be that small again. I have two boys, and they are the most special beings in the whole world. It is such a peaceful time when you get to sit with your baby and just hold them. I wanted to remember those moments. For the active labor, it is crazy to look back and see how strong you are. It’s a good reminder for me that I can do anything!“
“Kylie was AMAZING. She really owned being my backup during the process. When there was a change to my birth plan, she would ask if I was sure we were doing what I wanted, and when I was in pain or needing help, she offered amazing suggestions. She got along with my support team, and that made it all so easy.”
“[When I saw the photos for the first time] I felt proud, emotional, and happy. With my husband being there with me, I look back and see how much he cares and how much he really did want to help me get through it. I look at myself and see this super strong, bad ass lady who can do anything and everything. And I look at my baby, along with the whole experience, and just think about how wonderful life is and how thankful I am for my boys. [Hiring a professional birth photographer] is an investment, but those moments are genuinely priceless. There is so much that Kylie did for me that it truly was worth it.”
Check out Abby’s first birth story!

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